Gravity Games – Remember When…

This week’s highlight photo – Gold Medal winner Daniel Shaprio
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Wakeboard Competition Practice Trials

Gravity Games Action 2001

Providence, RI The practice trials here today were run under a bright sunny sky.  The several hundred spectators watched the athletes go through their various acrobatic routines, including 360 degree spins, head over feet flips, and rail jumping feats.  The 300 hp 16′ tow boat provided the skateboarders with plenty of power, averaging 24.5 miles/hr.  The shallow water (less than 6′) set up an interesting wake for the boarders to jump over and spin about.  Although he is not pictured here, Erik Ruck provided a very impressive display of jumping and flips.  Another day like that tomorrow, and he will pick up part of the $16,000 prize money for the men.

The competitors are all in place at Roger Williams Park, Providence, RI
P9032869.JPG Darin Shapiro 9/3/01 on his way to winning a gold medal
P9032807.JPG Dallas Friday - takes the gold at age 14
P9032807.JPG Dallas Friday – takes the gold at age 14

P9032844.JPG Daniel Watkins scores 60.33 for the bronze
P9032844.JPG Daniel Watkins scores 60.33 for the bronze

 all images copyr.2001 PhotoSports.Com – please ask us before downloading for web use!